


This article was originally published in the The Jerusalem Post on March 28th, 2023, written by Adam Milstein. We need to build alliances between Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Hindus. America was founded by people fleeing religious persecution. Our society flourished based on the unique atmosphere of religious tolerance, which was very different from Europe and other parts of the world. These fundamental principles are now threatened by Critical Race Theory (CRT), and its related ideologies, which present a danger to the values underlying a thriving America – and potentially, to its faith-based communities. Once considered to be fringe subject matter to be  Read More…

This article was originally published in The Science Times on March 21st, 2023, written by David Thompson. With online antisemitism impacting Jewish people every day, businessman turned venture philanthropist, Adam Milstein, is a supporter of CyberWell, the web-intelligence and database nonprofit platform, which aims to curb the rising antisemitism on social media. Countering antisemitism is central to Adam Milstein’s philanthropic efforts, and the launch of a cutting-edge technological system that could minimize online Jew hatred marks significant progress when it comes to shaping a vast cyberspace. “The AI [artificial intelligence] of CyberWell is helping monitor social media antisemitism in real  Read More…

This article was originally published in the The Jerusalem Post on January 16th, 2023, written by Adam Milstein.   It Starts with The Jews But Never Ends With The Jews. It has become a truism that Jews are history’s “canary in the coal mine”. Across cultures and continents, where Jews have flourished, so have the societies around them. Where Jews have faced persecution and expulsion, it is usually a sign that darker forces are taking hold that will degrade, diminish, and often, destroy the broader society. The examples of this phenomena are numerous and profound. Spain’s golden era of Jewish achievement  Read More…

This article was originally published in the Jewish Policy Center on January 6th, 2023, written by Adam Milstein  At a summit held by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in November, FBI Director Christopher Wray spoke about “the tragic reality that the Jewish community uniquely ends up on the receiving end of hate-fueled attacks from all sides.” He referenced the white supremacist attacks in recent years in Poway and Pittsburgh, and the 2022 attack at the synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, motivated by “violent Jihad”. But it’s not just white supremacists and radical Muslims. There are myriad of groups espousing Jews-hatred – the far-right,  Read More…

This article was originally published in The American Reporter on December 2nd, 2022, written by Jennifer Ross.  Unrest and pushback of the Iranian people against the repressive regime of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has been brewing for decades. However, according to Israeli-American businessman and philanthropist, Adam Milstein, the recent unprecedented and unrelenting wave of anti-government protests sweeping the country, combined with Iran’s newly minted pro-Russia alliance in the war against Ukraine, calls for a renewed U.S. commitment to fighting the terror sponsoring regime both in the Middle East and on the world stage. “Today, all we know is that the Iranian regime  Read More…

This article was originally published in The Jerusalem Post on November 25th, 2022, written by Adam Milstein.  Farrakhan must be treated as a persona non grata in America. For too long, his poisonous presence and rhetoric have been tolerated.   Over the past 25 years, antisemitism has been growing exponentially in American culture and politics, with an uptick this past month due to the rabid antisemitic remarks expressed by famed rapper Kanye West, newly known as “Ye,” which has been normalized by other African-American icons like Kyrie Irving. Among the antisemitic tropes expressed by West: Blacks are the real Jews and therefore cannot  Read More…

This article was originally published in the NewsAnyway on October 24th, 2022, written by Lindsey Benson.  The U.S.-Israel alliance was forged when the state of Israel was formally recognized by President Truman in May of 1948. Both countries were built on founding principles of democracy, freedom, and the right to preserve political autonomy in the face of aggression from outside forces. That’s why, according to Israeli American businessman and philanthropist Adam Milstein it’s not surprising the connection between the two like-minded nations was, and remains, so powerful. What Makes the U.S.-Israel alliance Special? “People established both America and Israel as a sanctuary and a  Read More…

This article was originally published in the MSN Tribune News Service on October 20th, 2022, written by James Jay Carafano and Adam Milstein, The Heritage Foundation.  Despite weeks of brutal repression, ordinary Iranians of all ages and all sections of society, and from all regions, continue their mass protests, calling for an end to the Islamic Republic’s rule. Their message is unmistakable. The Iranian Revolution has failed. The regime it spawned is doomed. The only question left for history to answer is: When will it fall? A picture obtained by AFP outside Iran, reportedly shows objects lit on fire in  Read More…

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on October 19th, 2022, written by Adam Milstein.  The decline in the favorability of mainstream American views toward Israel has coincided with a rise in antisemitic violence, particularly in large metropolises, promoted by Islamo-Leftist groups. By now, we have read countless articles warning of the coming end of the Jewish golden era in America. The dwindling number of Americans identifying as Jews (now around 4.5 million—half of all Americans of Jewish descent), the passing of the Holocaust generation and the fading memory of the Holocaust itself, ideological polarization and illiberalism are just a  Read More…

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on September 13th, 2022, written by Adam Milstein.    Antisemitism in high schools is uniquely dangerous as teenagers are particularly impressionable, deeply affected by social dynamics of their peers and by the authority of their teachers.   In recent years, while much of the Jewish community has been keenly focused on antisemitism on college campuses, we have largely overlooked another growing danger. Activist teachers and administrators have increasingly injected antisemitism into American public and private high schools through expanded Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments and policies and by promoting radical curricula steeped in  Read More…