


This article was originally published in the 19FortyFive.com on August 12, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, and James Jay Carafano of The Heritage Foundation. America can’t afford to squander key bilateral relations in the Middle East. Jordan would be near the top of any list of important partners. Recently, Jordan’s King Abdullah II and President Joe Biden had an upbeat meeting in Washington. But even better than smiles and handshakes would be a concerted action plan that better serves the interests of both nations. The meeting suggests there is plenty of opportunity for that. Both sides  Read More…

This article was originally published in the Algemeiner on July 12, 2021. Few could have imagined that the current wave of violence against Jews in major American cities would be possible within living memory of the Holocaust. Jews in America now fear walking the streets wearing Jewish artifacts, congregating outside Jewish community buildings, or even speaking Hebrew or Yiddish in public. Shocking and unparalleled scenes of Jews being assaulted by mobs of anti-Israel thugs in New York, Los Angeles, Boston, and other American cities, have begun to ring alarm bells. Early in July, a rabbi sitting outside a Boston synagogue was stabbed eight times by  Read More…

This article was published on Aish.com on July 4, 2021. Throughout Jewish history in the diaspora, Jews lived at the mercy of local rulers and largely lacked the ability to defend themselves. Today, however, American Jews have established themselves as one of the most successful immigrant communities in the United States and they also have the State of Israel to rely upon. Yet, in the face of intensifying antisemitism too much focus has been placed on documenting, educating about, and objecting to antisemitic acts after they occur instead of going on the offense. Not enough resources are and were invested in holding  Read More…

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on June 10, 2021. Each year Jews and non-Jews around the world recite the mantra “Never Again” to remember the six million Jewish lives and tens of millions of other victims murdered by the Nazis. And then, each year, we continue to see Jew-hatred and antisemitic violent attacks continue to soar all over the world. We have a responsibility to remember the Holocaust, honor those precious lives lost, and elevate the voices of survivors. However, with the memory of the Holocaust fading, remembrance is not enough. We must do everything in our power  Read More…

This article was published in The Detroit News on May 20, 2021, written by Adam Milstein of the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, and James Jay Carafano of The Heritage Foundation. Make no mistake, Hamas and Islamic Jihad (IJ) are terrorist organizations. Their attacks on Israel have one purpose — blood, anybody’s blood, Jew, Arab or Palestinian, on the streets for fomenting anger and outrage. The goal: to derail the momentum for peace and normalization between the moderate Arab nations and Israel. The Arab crowds rioting in the streets against Israelis and Jews are motivated by their religious beliefs and by  Read More…

Article originally published in JNS on May 18, 2021. Our American way of life and Western values are under attack by radical hate groups funded by wealthy ideologues. To counter them, we must draw upon the same successful methods I employed in the fight against Jew-hatred. Over the past decade, I have focused my activist efforts on the fight against anti-Semitism in the United States through strategic impact philanthropy. This approach to philanthropy requires not only financial giving but also the investment of time, experience, vision, and personal connections. This has all been possible because America has afforded me, an immigrant  Read More…

This article was published in the HPP blog May 3, 2021. By Adam Milstein Some say that it’s more challenging to effectively donate money than to earn it. I agree. While it is a “no brainer” to choose the non-profit organizations you support based on your personal acquaintances or social affiliations, real impact can only be achieved by creating a strategic philanthropic plan and being willing to implement it. There have been few experiences in my life more rewarding or meaningful than becoming an active philanthropist. I arrived in America in 1981, after serving in the Israeli Defense Forces, fighting  Read More…

This article was originally published in the Daily Caller on April 12, 2021. I am a proud American. This country has afforded me, an immigrant from Israel, boundless opportunities to succeed in business and build a beautiful life for my family. My business success allowed me to dedicate my resources to making an impact in this world through strategic impact philanthropy. This approach to philanthropy requires not only giving financial resources, but also the investment of time, experience, vision, and personal connections. Over the past decade, I have focused my strategic philanthropy on the fight against anti-Semitism in the U.S. and  Read More…

This article was originally published in The Hill on March 11, 2021. What will the strategic alliance between the United States and Israel look like under President Biden? It really is too soon to tell. On a number of crucial strategic issues, including this vital relationship, the administration does not appear to be of one mind. Like watching James McAvoy’s character in the movie Split, we must wait and see which personalities dominate. Clearly, Biden wishes to build consensus on foreign policy matters. He also hopes to keep complicated geostrategic issues on the back burner while his administration focuses on  Read More…

This article was originally published in the Jerusalem Post on February 9, 2021. Some say that it’s more challenging to effectively donate money than to earn it. I agree. It’s a no-brainer to choose the nonprofit organizations you support based on your personal acquaintances or social affiliations, but real impact can only be achieved by creating a strategic philanthropic plan and being willing to implement it. There have been few experiences in my life more rewarding or meaningful than becoming an active philanthropist. I arrived in America in 1981, after serving in the Israel Defense Forces, fighting in the 1973 Yom  Read More…